I did an interview with Liz Strauss once and she offered some great advice about this. One was to not wrap up posts in a neat and tidy package the way your English teacher taught us.
The other is that if youre creating a list, to offer the first few things that come to your mind, but not hunt for more things to add to the list. Instead, leave some stones unturned and let readers add to the discussion.
We all want comments and the sense of community that comments generate but can we get too many comments?
22-02-23 19:41
I read your post and felt that I had something to say. I then noticed that there were already well over thirty comments.
Will what I say be heard? Is it worth spending the time making a comment if itll be lost amongst the many that have already been written?
Maybe you can write a post about encouraging people to join conversation that is already quite busy or even a post about being heard among dozens of other voices that are commenting.
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